Monday, August 3, 2009

No one will read this.

Henry was vegging out at work the other day I he thought to myself, "Maybe it should be: Live everyday as if its your first. Then you'll be in awe of everything and want to experience more and more." To which I told him, "Henry, I think you're onto something! You're the best brain I've ever had."
I would love to say that I'll try to make this my new motto, my new paradigm, that I'll try to live everyday in wonder of its beauties and try to experience new things and appreciate all that I've already experienced, but I think we all know that I won't.


It's said...

I think you can. In the words of the infamous Old Trailer lady from the simpsons "I like that"

Jon, Liz, Max and Luke said...

Just wanted to let you know I read your post.